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SEN&D & Transitions to HE

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities; preparation to Higher Education

Dear Student,

There can be a lot to take in when preparing for Higher Education at college or university.

For students with special educational needs and/or disabilities, having information/advice early on about how to access additional support can make a real difference. So, we have put together some key information to assist you:

Below is a short checklist about funding (DSA)



This term refers to varied conditions that have a lasting impact on the ability to study. To see what ‘disability’ can look like, see attached FAQs.

Students can apply for funding for relevant study support via the Disabled Students Allowances (DSA) from the early spring onwards for autumn university entry, eg, from March 2021 for September 2021 entry.

Applying for DSA when completing the UCAS form

  • If you declare a disability on your UCAS form, you will be taken through the applications process on line.
  • You will be asked to provide the information requested so that your application can be considered further.
  • See the attached FAQs document for more details.

Applying by completing the DSA1 form

Medical Evidence is required to prove eligibility

  • For many conditions, you need to provide a letter (or declaration form) from your doctor or specialist confirming your condition and briefly how this impacts your daily life. The SFE medical evidence form may be a user-friendly way of obtaining this: practitioners.slc.co.uk/media/1453/sfe_dsa_disability_evidence_form.pdf (See FAQs)
  • For SpLDs you need to provide a diagnostic report from Educational Psychologist or Specialist Teacher, with relevant tests.
  • The Disability Support Service at your uni/college may be able to refer you to a relevant specialist for a diagnostic report.

Funding for the costs of providing medical evidence is not available via the DSA. Financial assistance may be available via the Hardship Fund administered by the university.

Confirmation of Funding and Booking a Study Needs Assessment

  • If all the information needed is not provided with the application, your funding body will pend your application and write to you requesting additional details. (see the common reasons for the pending of applications document)

See Link to Common Reasons for Pend of DSA Application document

  • When your funding body confirms eligibility for DSA, you will be put in touch with one of the national providers to make an appointment for a Study Needs Assessment.
  • If you have questions about Transitions to HE, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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